Good day, this is the Informer.
Aquilonia had two sieges this weekend; SetMosis attacked Legio VI Victrix's keep Amut'Anus (or was it 'Anun?) and SCUM attackade Anatolian Hun Empire's keep.
Both sieges failed; Legio Victrix was victorious in defending their keep and SCUM failed to show up; it seems they lost the map and none of them knew the way. Ultimately, they got lost.
Volunteers are still walking through Lacheis Plains trying to search for them. List of lost SCUM-members include such high profile characters as Kazim, Motherkali and Tsuniko, amongst others. Robzor took the news of Motherkalis disappearance quite heavily; he grew a "Ridge-forrester-is-worried"-type of beard and rushed to the woods. "Motherkali, my loooooove" the lonely shouts echo through the plains.
The information of lost SCUM's is incomplete, and we are keeping a close watch on the situation. If you are a relative to someone lost, you can ask Informer in private messages about your family members status, has he been reported as missing and/or what is his status "missing, found, unknown".
Informer over and out.
SCUMsies are probably doing the "lets sign against them the whole time and never show and then suddenly showup to a non defended battlekeep when they get tired of rallying to a not happening siege"-tactic
Huns and Argo's been doing it for months! signing up no fighting. Funny i don't see posts about that here. It can all be fixed if they stop putting stupid days with even more stupid times.
ReplyDeleteOh yes there were posts about it, i remember and as soon the posts were made Argos suddenly stopped doing it.
ReplyDeleteBut anyway, shit can hit the fans, so i wouldnt blame SCUM for not showing up this time ;)
On the 8th of April, Exalted besieged Stonehammer.
ReplyDeleteBut we could only field less than 36 guys(don't remember the exact number, but we were short of over 2 groups).
We did 4-5 tries and then decided that it was futile to continue.
Xuthal explained the situation to ATH, and then we called it.
This is recorded as a fail on the official thread.
But SCUM were lacking numbers and stayed away all together, and Dranoth has listed the siege as if it never occured.
You guys decide which is the most honorable.
Talking about honor is something never take my attention. As a SCUM member, I can pretty say that HONOR is NOT our priorty. We only respect two things
ReplyDelete1. Game rules (never exploit, never farm, never cheat)
2. Roleplay: It's a roleplay server and even scumlings that don't like to rolepay should respect and not disturb it
Other than that there is no HONOR in fighting. "Why SCUM didn't show up ?" well it might be a strategy, it might be for lack of numbers, it might be for just not having the mood, or perhaps I really lead the crowd on a wrong way and we all get lost in Lacheish Plains. What ever the reason is if you check that Siege Thread you can see SCUM is the most willing and fearless guild when it comes to sieges.
But perhaps we're getting a bit bored of..
*PvP-XP farmers
*3rd party program users (like radars)
*Weird vulnerability windows
*Broken Siege mechanics (latency, broken respads)
and decided to put some different flavor on that.
To be honest SCUM will always apply for sieges as much as it can. And always Attack when it seems to be feasible. So keep your doors closed, because no one can know when 48 rabid dogs will knock them.
Oh come on Kazim ;)
ReplyDeleteSeems like I hit a nerve :p
ReplyDeleteI meant no disrespect towards anyone.
But this game has many aspects(world-pvp, group-dungeons, raid-dungeons, etc)
And the one endgame aspect of this game that I hold more dearly than anything, is the sieges.
So I dislike when guilds flag a siege, and then goes awol.
I was looking forward to see how this rumble in Cimmeria would end.
Hope you guys will impress at Caelnach on Tuesday :)
SCUM respecting gamerules? Still, SCUM has lots of absolutely noskill-never heard-baby pvp lvl 4 guys. Maybe they have got their levels elsewhere or something, I don't care, but they have still grinded their pvp xp with someone else. And if you would really respect the gamerules, you should know that there's listed lots of more gamerules than just about those listed things. And many of us have seen you exploitting many things from notoriety systems to raids.
ReplyDeleteIt's actually quite funny, SCUM trying to act honored considering the true nature of SCUM. Looks like Kazim has no idea what is is means to be a SCUM.
Gato, np on there. Sieges are also my first priority in this game, but perhaps because I did siege too much, my view on that is a bit different than yours. I respect your view anyways
ReplyDeleteAnonymous above this post, three questions:
1. Are you brave enough to put your names under your posts?
2. Can you give at least 1 name for that no-skill PvP lvl4 guy so I can arrange a duel between you?
3. I'm in SCUM for more than 5 months. I'm one of the most active players on SCUM. I'm a fucking officer. So I know what is the meaning of beign SCUM. But then, what do you know about scum, except the cold blade on your back?
It isnt about "acting" it is about knowing - It is easier for a whole server to believe scum cheats and hide behind that. We know better and do not need to defend ourselfs to anyone.
ReplyDeleteWe tried to get the fire back on the server Siege wise So people would farm recourses and pvp would hopefully move to the Border kingdoms. We failed but we wont give up.
And fighting the Empire has nothing to do with "honor" since they trew that out the window a long time ago - with their naked rp -
radar etc.
Name 1 unknown SCUM with high PvP lvl !! One that farmed his way to a higher level !!
ReplyDeleteName 1 Empire with a honest PvP lvl (think this will be easier!!)
This is the most game killing issue on Aquilonia for me and many others.
Let them be named and shamed !!
Funny shit reading that scum didn't care to show up after all that forum drama where they openly named guilds that are afraid to do sieges.
ReplyDeleteLearn from this - don't talk shit about something you'll probably do in near future.
And for scum not exploiting? Haha, guess you must not have been around that time Kazim (5 months is nothing since scum has been on aq for 12 months) - I'll just mention that incident with murder system and dimishing returns not kicking in. If you don't know whats this about - ask old and most important scum leader - Blackspot.
So in my eyes you're just the same as the empire, and lots of other exploiting fucks out there.
i agree that there are very bad high pvp lvl players in scum like that one bs pvp lvl 4 or a barb, names i dont even remember but i tell you when i see.
ReplyDeleteand i remember when pvp patch came out, many scums quit the game because fc removed their pvp exp(for reason), but not all got roll back and many are still playing who exploited.
half of the guild exploited pvp lvls that time and scum is no exception, still it seems that nowadays scum has new exploiters in guild. Every big guild has some.
i speak little addittion to my previous comment.
ReplyDeletei dont think kazim really knows what is it like to be a scum, scum is ganking guild, unfair, bad and their job is to make other people playing experience bad.
but kazim is opposite to what scum really is, what scum was supposed to be when ledd etc created it.
I am proud to say that BotGC do not have any nekkid RP exploiters among their ranks. Every PvP-level is hard earned and PvP-levels mean something inside BotGC: PvP-level 4 are rare and really good guys; PvP-level 3 are decent PvPers and PvP-level 2 is the norm.
ReplyDeleteSame can be said about Celestials and Exalted. It's good that in some guilds pvp lvl actually represent their player's skill-level - pvp lvls have actually a purpose there.
ReplyDeleteSCUM Bloodhyed unskilled tos pvp lvl 4. Saw him first time a week ago in khesh
ReplyDeleteBit derailing, but I like to say couple words on that PvP exp. farming thingy. Just after Notoriety patch when there was that one week PvP exploit madness almost every guild used (respect to those who didn't) it including some SCUM members. Mostly all got their roll back, but couple didn't. Example at least BS Coca was from SCUM who didn't got roll back.
ReplyDeleteHowever the policy in SCUM is nowdays very strict against any exploiting as the previous incident showed that it ain't good to anyone. If you see SCUM members doing Naked RP then take the screenshot and send it to me. If you see 20+ scums at same time in our guild city (potain) or other "odd" place let me know about it. I will kick them all or you see me without guild tag if there is some conspiracy stuff going. :)
Now days it is in fashion to farm PvP levels on lower levels. On early levels it is ridiculously easy and very profitable to kill couple level higher noobs who gives much more exp than at level 80 in Kesh. I don't see this is a as exploit, but more like a bad design from Funcom. Hopefully it will change in future.
PS. I don't understand accusation that "I know two guys in SCUM who exploit PVP exp." How can two guys exploiting it? Far as I know there is needed at least 20+ members to make it profitable.
You are mixing up two things - your right after pvp xp was implanted some exploited (and got rolled back) they didn't leave because they were rolled back - actually most in Scum did not exploit and were against it. And as said the others got rolled back - which is fine. Bus on a sidenote isn't this exactly as the Empire is doing now?
ReplyDeleteAs for people who are rolling a new char hanging around at low lvl in low lvl area's one can fairly lvl up fast. Like a bloodhied and a Samnrad did - Yet never as fast as the Empire method ofcourse.
Scum does not farm eachother. All our pvp lvl's are worked for and yes we can do that faster because we don't have NAPS like most guilds do.
About Bloodhyed:
ReplyDeleteIt's the alt of Bloodhied (which was indeed one of the really good Barbarians). As with our some other members, Bloodhied (Bloodhyed" never liked Keshatta. He was been a pain in the ass (both with his Barb and ToS) in lower level areas like Atzel or FoD. Fighting low level areas might not fit your taste of honor, but no one can call it an exploit since it's pretty legal.
On last two months anyone leveled a new character probably got hit one or two lightning to his back from Bloodhyed. He's newly 80 but calling him un-skilled...well it might be a bit of fatal mistake :)
If anyone wishes to test his skills just PM him. He's always ready to fight whatever the odds is.
I don't myself consider low lvl world pvp(except white sand & tesso grind) exploiting at all. But I don't really like staying at low level only because of faster xp.
ReplyDeleteAfter 50lvl chars are introduced I will create a reaver/gen barbarian(badass!) just for 50-60lvl pvp. I care a shit about faster xp, I will keep that char at that lvl forever. Because Low lvl pvp isn't all about zergs and pvp levels. Maybe I can do some REAL world pvp there.
Well as everyone knows I'm completely against PvP XP and PvP-Levels. But sometimes I also miss PvP at mid levels (especially Field of Dead and Ymir's Pass). But I don't have the time to level up another character
ReplyDeleteBe carefull what you write informer. I beleawe your nationality can be solved from this post, by those who know ways of the ron.
ReplyDeleteYour's truly, Muriseva Barbaari.