Good day, this is the Informer.
Few brave souls on test-live servers did some raid-tests in Kyllikki's Crypt. Kyllikki is possibly the easiest t1 raid, where most of us have started raiding and it is quite doable with only 3 groups of skilled players.
Not any more.
Player made tests on TL clearly show that this once easy-breeze is going to change a tad harder; everything in side the crypt hits you like a 50-ton truck, and has a health pool of China.
Some figures: AOE-tick from spellguard 3000-5000pts per tick and priests oneshot everything below heavy armor.
Why is this happening? Short answer; average-dps of a raid has been lowered to approximately half of what it is now on live (complete raid, not picking any classes here.. some have better damage, almost like on live, but overall damage has been nerfed). Also many group-buffs, like qonq ress, have taken hits. Healing is not scaled to fit new, bigger healthpools; instead it got nerfed a bit. Stamina, Health and mana doesn't regen as fast as on live, and combos and spells use more stamina and mana then before.
What this means on raids; because damage is lower, it takes about 50% longer to kill a mob. Before you can actually kill a mob, you ran out of stamina/mana (not to mention boss fights). Raid mobs have had their damage increased, and like usual FC went overboard and.. well, they really really really hurt. This sums up to having very, very, goddamn hilariously fucking entertaining and impossible raid-instances!
Please note, that these modifications leading to fore-mentioned changes in raids, are effecting all raiding and group instances.
Informer recommends everyone to grind their asses off before 1.05 patch to ensure good amount of epics. Also, informer recommends everyone to participate on TL-server, and if possible attend raids there and give direct feedback.
SOURCE (healing in 1.05 raids)
SOURCE2 (details on raid, damage etc.)
FC will probably remove all raid items from players because they got their epics when raiding was easy and it's not fair that for new players getting epics is harder.
ReplyDeletebut new players get ther first horse much cheaper,tan we old did...so why even complain?