Good day, this is the Informer.
Our friendly neighborhood-bear Galadh shared a *priceles* picture on general forums, quite brave of him because his post with this pic will propably be deleted as "Naming And Shaming" and Tahitoa, the Grand Executor of Everything That Is Relevant, will spank him for hours and hours in her private chambers.
Depending how Tahitoa looks like under that armor of hers, it will be either a good or a bad thing. Tell us tales of your findings, o mister bear please. Informer has this picture, but we have no idea how old it is... so, with luck, mr. bear is in for a quite pleasant spankig times.
Anyways this pic is probably as old as heaven and earth, but I hadn't seen it before. Thus, whats new for the informer is something informer must inform uninformed about; that's you!
Basically this proves the high morals of Empire, reserving each others siege-times and preventing their enemies the fair chance of an attack. Nice going Empire, you goddamn retarded asshole-ratfuckfaces! I am not going to even get started with your nekkid-rp here, but today alone I noticed two totally new empire members with pvp-lvl4 and 5, whom I have never met on dueling grounds, minigames or world (read: kheshatta)pvp. Didn't remember to take up their names though, will do so in the future.
This kind of shit is just what we do not need, so do you mind taking your exploiting guilds and fuck off our server, please!?
No, I am just one from a other random guild :)))))
ReplyDeleteYou all act surpised.. strange, seems your "hate" against scum is clouding all your vision. As frustrating it might be to us as well, to see new names on the playfield (who are probably born and bred in Huns City and never saw a piece of clothes in its young life) and pvp lvl 4/5 Yet no one is adressing it, better yet Jedmau even stated that it wasn't illegal to breed his army like that, on our forums. (check out our hall of shame now and then)
ReplyDeleteThis is how the game gets ruined. But Scum is an easy name we can live with it - but don't expect us to give the Empire any form of respect.
I am neither in Scum or Empire, but I can assure you that I and a lot of the others people in between are much more against Empire than Scum. Sure, scum are bastards killing us each time we try to raid PVE, but ultimately they are not exploiting.
ReplyDeleteToo bad Funcom doesn't do anything against exploiters. I really would like to slap the empire people really hard in their nuts in RL for beeing such assholes and ruin the game.
both Empire and SCUM as a guild is on the wrong server.
ReplyDeletetoo bad they would be rolled over on fury by the russians or some other big guilds
ReplyDeleteNaww.. We love the RP !
ReplyDeleteMaybe you are in the wrong server :)
As i said as a guild. You have 3-4 roleplayer, but you have dozen of player who are simply belong to fury but has no balls to go there.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes if SCUM belongs to Aquilonia, then i am on the wrong server ;)
Lately a lot of bad members have joined scum. But I always used to love them how they where.
ReplyDeleteBut scum (how they used to be) belong on the server. Without them it would be damn boring.
What comes about me and Tahitoas relationship I can tell that it is going pretty well. I haven't got even single one infraction stuff from her on my whole forum troll career. So there is only one reasonable explanation for that. She has said briefly on some interview that she plays on Auilonia server. In that case she has most likely have tasted my HUGE hammer at least couple times... reason can't be anything else. :D
ReplyDeleteThat picture has taken in this year when they built their Tier 3 keeps. Rather efficient way to protect it, right? Now days they don't do that anymore as they have Tier 3 keeps + exploited PvP levels + stacked PvP invuls + caster zerg which makes them pretty nasty opponent even their tactical skills in sieges are somewhere between ant and worm (at least so far). Here is couple more pics. There was much more of these, but I didn't screenshotted them all.
We all know Tahi has a crush on the scum members Galadh =)
ReplyDeleteeveryone should just flood the forums, asking why Funcom accept exploiters, giving Tahitoa something to do...
ReplyDeleteYou know if there wouldnt be some interesting post on the AoC forums, i wouldnt mind being banned from there ;)
ReplyDeleteWell at least she doesn't have a crush on me. I got "3 STFU points" (was it called infraction) 2 days ago.
ReplyDeleteI would understand all this hate if the pvp vulnerability windows weren't visible to anyone, but, meh, they are....which means this thing was visible to every member on the server, for however long it was there. Since nobody knew about this until Galadh posted the picture, i am inclined to believe that no one even bothered to open to check, meaning no guild had any intentions of attacking except SCUM.
ReplyDeleteThus said you are all just making a lot of noise but hardly any action. For the guy wanting to kick Empire members in the nuts i just say: lol.
From the RP point of view, you can even consider it as battle preparations and military exercise...but i am from the Empire, what do i know about rp, right?
Apart from SCUM, none of you have any right of say since noone even dared to apply...
Silly Tethmes.. You guys are so full of yourselves..
ReplyDelete"Since nobody knew about this until Galadh posted the picture, i am inclined to believe that no one even bothered to open to check, meaning no guild had any intentions of attacking except SCUM."
The issue was addressed several time by at least us and probably more as well. Most of us didn't cry on the forums about it though.
Wood (Exalted)
You didn't cry as scum did you mean?
ReplyDeleteOr was it just some turks in their rank that think they changed and took over the guild?
Contact me in game, I can give you those guys' name.
The Empire don't belong on Aquilonia. They don't/can't rp, they exploit to get their pvp levels and they can't fight unless they outnumber you 2 vs 1.
MY DEAR GOD, Tahi completely removed all posts in forums about aquilonian informer, even those old ones on Aoc blog topic.
to be a game for 18+ players, the gamers of this game seems extremely immature
ReplyDeleteI think you guys are just jealous really couse she does not likes you ;) I bet she is as sexy as hell.
ReplyDeleteYeaa game is rated 18+++ give us pole dance, piss on each other heads and full on sex...FFS...c'mon...we need something to do with out tiny peens :)
Amorey you strike again?
ReplyDeleteAnd I bet Tahi is 100+ kilograms heavy whose life gravitates around forums, coffee and cats.
And Amorey is just a copy of her
your sarcasm doesn't impress me
ReplyDeleteOr me. Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit you know. *nods*
ReplyDeleteHehe ...does it hurt in the area where your testicles should be but are not? Good was meant to!
ReplyDeletehi Tahi!