Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pen Is Mightier Than A Swoard

Good day, this is the Informer.

Conqueror damage in 1.05 has been halved. No really, I'm not exaggerating, it's -50% to what is was before.
Everyone at forums have been wondering about the reasoning, as many have seen Conqueror class to be balanced and very useful; generally a great class that has it's weaknesses and is usefull in both pvp and pve content.

The following link explains the situation, and why/how come they had to be nerfed.


So, it was because of Barbarians crying how conquerors out-dps them. What can you learn from this? Best place to cry about Age of Conan game play related topics is TL, as many of the QQ's of uninformed forum visitors goes through to game unedited.
There's a strong cent of fear and panic coming to my nose from the Dev-team. They fear us, they fear loosing their precious players and ultimately their precious game. So, they jump right up when someone whines, and boy-oh-boy the do the changes!

Informers hunger to be informed on the matter at hand has been fully satisfied.

SOURCE (full thread)

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