Good day, this is the Informer.
Lektor has returned to eu-forums, yey. He has re-subbed, and hopefully will enjoy the game once again.
Now we can all start not-understading inglishia and start tu wreit faunnily. I LIEK MILK LEKTOR PRESIDENT!!
Lektor, overrated and underskilled as always. Hope you smelly skunk find your way back to Aquilonia, we have far too few personalities running on our lovely server these days. Atleast, I look forward of trying to decypher your terrible english, that you so cleverly fake.
As long i can agree with overrated, i cant agree with underskilled statment hehehe i mean how much skill u need to play tos we all do more or less same shit :)? Im proud on one thing - im ToS from begining of game! I will stay ToS after 1,05.