Good day all, this is the Informer.
The New Zerg, also known as "Alliance", has been very actively buffing their presence in Kheshatta for the past few days. With Alliance I refer to the loose alliance of guilds; Sanguis Attexo, Band of the Gray Clover, Exalted, Dracones Nigri, Cavalieri del Destino.. Well, pretty much the whole server except Empire and SCUM.
There is also a old and trusty 2nd New Zerg, SCUM, that has been trying to raise some hell here and abouts. I remember how back in the day SCUM had a ruleset of not zerging and not grouping up to gang-bang solo players, but we can forget that now.
But what happens when these too zergs collide? Well, hard to tell as we haven't seen that happen yet. To me it seems, that SCUM zergs Kheshatta on daytimes with 6-12 players, moving between Oasis - City - Deathmasters Camp - East Ruins - Oasis.
Alliance-Zerg logs in late in the afternoon, and then starts to run the same route with the exact same sequence, as SCUM's. Back on forth, on an on-going rotation.
The funny thing is, that when Alliance Zerg logs in the SCUM zerg seems to log out.
I smell something fishy here, and I don't mean my arm-pits; I just showered so it cant be that. Indeed, I smell a secret agreement, a secret pact with a commong goal. Like the secret pact with Nazi-Germany and Soviet Union to devide europe between them, and not to attack eachother. The Ribbentrop-treaty!
Informer has reason to believe that there is a "Ribbentrop treaty" in effect between SCUM and Alliance, with a secret goal of pushing common enemy, empire, off the block. They have divided the hours of the day between themselves to runaround khes, and they know what hours to log. And so they smack empire 24/7, making it a hell for them to play pvp in Kheshatta.
Very very nice, ingenious and evil plan!
*hands out tinfoil hats*