Good day, this is the Informer.
Zergs have been a major discussion topic on Aquilonia since the beginning of the server, but it seems now even more then before. It all started with Clan an Fael, C.L.A.N., SCUM and some random alliances here and there harrasing leveling areas.
Since then there's been many developments, and I wont be going into that now, but it has led to the current situation of having three major zergs.
1. Empire-Zerg
2. Alliance-Zerg
3. SCUM-Zerg
What is a zerg? Here is a little explation.
But are there differences in Zergs. Short answer is "Yes and No". Long answer is that they are formed by different people, with different playstyles, to counterattack offensive actions of others and relying into numbers instead of skills.
Empire Zerg
Empire Zerg is the oldest force of these three. It's formed by Argonauts, Celestial, Anatolian Hun Empire, Enslave and a group of minions. Empire has napped pretty much everyone but those guild belonging to other Zergs.
Empire's favourite styles of fighting emphasizes heavy use of game mechanics exploits, such as grinding your guildmates or alliance members for pvp-exp in private instances. Also, guard-hugging and excessive use of OP classes developed powerleveling in DM-camps has a great role in the "ABC-of-empire-Zerg". When it comes to tactics Empire has none, they seem to be rather idiotic in their fights. From the three zergs, Empire resembles most of the undead brainless swarm of lemmings who just run where their leader goes and whack everything with swords and spells.
Usual behaviour for Empire-Zerg is to have multiple members running around alone the core zerg in circles, thus being easy pray for rogue-style guerrilla-troops of their enemies. 99% of time they run out of respad through dueling-area, where they attack any of their enemies having duels and proceed to road when they have gathered their forces.
If they are attacked on the dueling grounds, they spam /global and cry about it for hours.
The most common place for Empire-Zerg is the Oasis in Kheshatta, as they like to have the option to run to guards as their primary backup.
Empire Zergs usually starts in afternoon, and continue untill early evening. Late afternoon they are challenged by SCUM-zerg, and in the end they are wiped by the Alliance.
Politicaly Empire is known to use scare-tactics against new and/or smaller guilds; you are either with us (atleast a nap) or against us (WAR WAR KOS KOS WE ARE GREEK GIMME PRIDE WAR WAR KOS KOS!!). That is the classic example of power-politics.
Majority rules in Empire; the bigger guilds make decissions and smaller ones follow. Basicly all power is divided between Huns, Argos and Celestial (who are still lost by the way).
SCUM used to have a anti-zerg-policy, but they trashed that about four months ago. Since then they have been growing their memberbase and are now capable of zerging Kheshatta and other gamefields succesfully. SCUM Zerg usually moves more than other two zergs, as they seem to have somewhat smaller numbers than Empire and Alliance. Mostly they can be found on the road between City and Oasis, and near Onyx chambers blocing raid-runners entering Black Ring Citadel.
SCUM battleplan is simple, as always with zergs. They try to pull people from bigger zergs, or divide bigger zergs into smaller parties by kiting them around. This is especially developed against empire, but works to some extent with Alliance also. SCUM relies heavily on their rangers like Svartie, Gwllchchcnchcncnchchcn and Dino (former head-necromancer of NK), their lovely bearshamans and casters.
SCUM usually starts a fight with either rangers or a lone soldier charge. They wait 3-8 seconds before rest of the group rushes from hide, or if theres an overpower of enemy they just sarifice that one member. SCUM has actively started to develop an edge to other Zerg forces with farming pvp-exp, propably by exploiting like Empire as every new pvp-lvl 5 SCUM seems to have the skill level of a toaster.
SCUM members have also the tendency of crying and hating in /tells when they are beaten. Mostly they behave like adolescents, who have just noticed that they are growing something fluffy "down there".
SCUM zergs happen almost in any given time of the day, when there is enough of them online. If they loose controll of a certain point, like Oasis or City, to other Zerg they just move a bit and start hunting individuals or leveling groups by dividing themselves into smaller groups of 3-5 players.
SCUM has no means of political influence, nor do they seem to care. They are at war with everyone, though they seem to love to hate Empire.
Alliance Zerg
The new kid on the block! Alliance is formed by Sanguis Attexo, Exalted, Band of the Gray Clover, Cavalieri Del Destino, Dracones Nigri, Nova Krepusko (though being dead) and Cavalieri del Destino and some random, smaller guilds.
Alliance was formed as a counter move by many smaller guilds to survive and fight against bigger guilds and zergs that were opressing them in endgame zones of the game. Alliance hasn't yet been together long enough to make actually repetative battle manouvers, but they have some consistent tricks up their sleeves.
Alliance Zergs usually take a bit longer to form, but when it is formed its a pretty permanent thing, usually lasting whole night long. Alliance starts to form in late afternoons, and starts fighting with either or both of the two other zergs. Usually after two to three hours they have wiped the floor with Empire Zerg, and SCUM has moved to torture people who are leveling.
Until Alliance has the numbers, they usually stay out of inner oasis, where empire stays hugging guards, and make ambushes to SCUM and Empire zergers when they are alone or in smaller numbers. Alliance doesnt have central guild-structure, and they dont rely spesificly on any characters or arch-types. What is notable is, that they have remarkably low numbers of rangers, so they dont usually move anywhere from Oasis or City.
There's been very little discussion or rumours of Alliance members exploiting pvp-levels, and it is very clear that where the average pvp-lvl in other Zergs is above 3, it is under 3 in Alliance. Notably they rarely respad-gank, but boy-oh-boy they love to gang-bang you when you reach safe distance from guardians. Like other zergs they love to surprise you with a gang-bang of 6 vs. 1.
Politically they have modeled themselves to Empire. They harras smaller guilds with power-politics, accusing guilds of agressive behaviour towards them and/or being tied to Empire, demanding alliance or threating with war. Alliance has a loose centrall controll that is handled by the officers of the guilds in it.
To sum it up
Zergs are here to stay, zergs is the way. Aquilonia has come a long way from being a server with multiple sides, variety of guilds and players and playstyles. But since launch, this diversity has been diminishing, and it is the trend even now. I foresee that Aquilonia will be divided and concentrated around three or four huge guilds or alliances zerging each other 24/7.
The rest of you can fuck off!
P.S. This is my informative view of Zergs on Aquilonia, as asked by some poor soul on the comments regarding my previous news to The New Zerg.
ReplyDeleteSome nice fiction there, at least on the Empire part.
And thank you Aquilonia for being so easily influenced by other people's opinions.
Baaaa fellow Aquilonians
P.S. Ensalve is not a part of the Empire...:D You got to get your facts straight if you plan on writing about something.
pretty much spot on othervise. Sadly.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is rather enjoyable, you seem to be spot-on at all times. :)
ReplyDeleteAlliances are formed because of the numbers needed to do a siege, these alliances stretch to open world pvp and thats why we have Zerg vs Zerg.
ReplyDeletelolish, enjoyed reading it
ReplyDeleteWell we from alliance need to create a zerg if we want to counter the enemy zergs.
ReplyDeleteBut personally I tend to stay in the back when our side has more numbers.
p.s. Love the blog
By definition an organized group (what ever the size is) can not be defined as Zerg
ReplyDeleteAnd you can not find any players farmed XP from eachother on SCUM. Just check places that someone can farm XP from eachother without getting disturbed (such as guild city instances) and list names of players and their guilds on such places. You'll see who is farming and who is not.
Considering PvP5 players, we only have handful of them (probably at most 5-6) and you know the names of each.. Comparing those numbers to some unfortunate guilds, you can again see who are farming XP.
I'd like to personally call the unknown informer's masculinity into question.
ReplyDeleteAquilonia's RAMraider you are not.
pretty much on the spot cept for some assumings on the exploiting part!.. Luckily pvp gear wont matter that much in the next patch :) can already see the faces of the exploiters.. hilarious :D
Yeah. Will be fun. :)
ReplyDeleteSCUM has like 6 pvp level 5's and a pvp level average of 1.34
ReplyDeleteThis is just moar whine against SCUM and accusations of cheating.
And some "alliance arse kissing"
I just found this and it is full of lies in regaurd to the Alliance.Cavalieri Del Destino was never and would never be a part of the Alliance and we have never said to anybody join us or its war