Friday, May 22, 2009

1.05 patch shaping up; progression still SLOW

Good day, this is the Informer.

1.05 patch that everyone either fears or hopes for to come, has progresses little by little in the past two weeks. Informer estimates after some interviews with Didek, Haven and Ialalalaala-yadayadayada that it will take atleast a month, possibly two to get finshed.

Besides revamping the basic game mechanics FC is doing other pretty grand changes; Guild Cities are becoming hubs where you can travel to any other region or hub in game, buy social pets or follow city-life. Yes, guild cities will become active and alive places to be. 

Tarantia Commons is looking more and more beautiful by the patch, and I really enjoyed playing through it the third time. Needles to say, that a place you can play through three times has some great potential and replay value! Besides massive additions a lot of minor details that players have complained have been fixed or altered; would you like to buy your potions in a crate instead of one-by-one? Sure, can do!

One of the most entertaining parts FC has done a great deal to change and fine-tune is pvp-mechanics. To put it simply: On testlive you have more health, more armor and less dps. That leads to fights lasting longer, and actually having a technical and tactical element. It is little shimmed by the fact that there are some blatantly over-powered classes like Demo (didn't manage to die once with my demo) and hybrid barbarians (wanna one-shot medium armor?). But barbarians are getting their fix according to Didek and Haven, and I'm actually starting to feel confident that demos will be nerfed too.
Tarantia Commons is a great new pvp-zone, but the changes to guards, respads and spawning have made Kheshatta funnier then ever too. Guards will no longer protect you if you run to them in the middle of a fight. If you are idling near a guard, and someone shoots you trying to pull the guards away so that their gang-bang-tastic friends could bang-their-ways-through you... well, the guard one-shots the puller with range-attack. If you manage to get yourself killed while doing pvp you can freely choose your resurrection pad within the area; killed at oasis, spawn to city.
I'm really waiting how empire will react to these news. How about them apples, Jedmau?

Itemization is moving on nicely, and gear has started to matter as the basic idea behind the whole change was. It's still work under very heavy construction, but the latest patch brought in some interesting changes and all I can say now; get that epic gear before its too late!

Raiding is still shit.

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