Good day, this is the Informer.
I have just eaten the best cheesypoofs ever. Just wanted to get that off my chest.
On to more pressing matters, this bit of news is just in! Rogues (Sin, Barb, Rang) are getting a complete revamp in the coming weeks on testlive. Many players of these classes have pleeded FunCom to make some changes, as the current state is quite appalling. To put it short; none of the rogue classes have had their unique feeling in a long time, none. There are always far more usefull classes to groups; both DPS, CC and group-buffs and rogues havee been left as 'cannon-fodder' to fill in the holes.
Informer will be ofcourse informing everyone in need of informing about future developments in our very own informary way.
Fix them or I will quit the game!!!11 And so on :)