Good day, this is the Informer.
Gutless, spineless professional understander, the winner of the "Bestest Knight In Shiny Armor" award by the Informer, the one and only Amorey has been active on the forums again.
There has been a lot of talk in the RP servers about FunComs policy to uphold the RP-ruleset, especialy regarding character names. Even I who spend only half of my days on AoC-Aquilonia, have come cross with more and more of rp-violating names; IeatShit, Bluesman, DeathKnight69, Holywilliam, Xbear, Berlusconi, Hitler and Tsuniko.
The issue has been talked about a lot in Aquilonia forums, and on this thread on the general discussions side on the general European forums. And that's where Amorey, the regular General forum-spammer lives, and now has taken a stand to defend the honor of his eternal love, FunCom. Let me quote:
"Naming policy is a difficult one...and I know I may sound a bit controversial here but as long as people do not use *hate* names, or brand/copyrighted names, names that belong to Funcom employee or that could be related to them then and names that clearly belong to characters from Howard's books we should try to be a bit more understanding....just put yourself in the shoes of a GM that has to change a guy's name for a minute.
I don't know guys....I do understand it can be a bit upsetting seeing Barbiedoll running around on a RP server...then again I just take the names tags off and my immersion works well...I do like rules and guidelines but maybe a bit of live and let live also works...don't you think?"
Amorey, Bestest Knight on Shiny Metal Armour. Do I need to remind you why he was awarded? He went on a crusade against peeing emotes and succeeded. But this... Amorey, why? Why have you taken your bestest shiny armor to defend ... who? People who willingly brake roleplaying rule set with shitty names, and funcom for lacking to uphold their own public rule set against it?
I fail to see any logic, except the very weird logic of Amorey's compulsive behavior to run in defense for FunCom if they are accused of doing or not doing something they should be doing or should not.
Amorey is now awarded the title of "Lost, now where the fuck am I?" for pretty much exceeding all expectations of idiocy, for clearly not knowing shit about what the hell is talking about and for making Darwin do *facepalm* in his grave.
I am sure, he will still play this game and tell to his friends how great it is after it was shut down
ReplyDeleteAmorey should be beheaded, and fed to Galadh. His head should be put on the wall of shame for eternity.
ReplyDeleteoh c'mon you guys are so cruel lol
ReplyDeleteI think that i know reason why Amorey wanted pee-emote away, look, when you do that "action" in the game, Amorey do the same in RL in the same time, so he/she pisses around the room or at lleast under the computer table.
ReplyDeleteAwesome, guys, finally someone that is publicly bashing that Funcom supporter Amorey! Seriously, that player will defend Funcom for ANYTHING, no matter what. If you truly wish to see the ultimate fanboy, than Amorey is for you.
ReplyDeleteWell Amorey is gone for good now. And turned out she was in fact Tahi. Who has resigned due to personal issues.
ReplyDeleteSplit personalites ? Well I liked the Tahi pesonality more :-P
Loss for Funcom though I would say.