Good day, this is the Informer.
Alliance gathered forces last night to attack Anabolican Steroid Empire (HUN's) keep, and failed. SCUM has tried the same with weekly attacks to HUN's or Argonauts keep, and failed. Infact, no-one has taken an Empire Battle-Keep by force in months! In addition, Empire has managed to win several sieges against others, for example SA lost a siege against them few weeks back even though they had large amount of help from Alliance.
In this aspect Empire is ruling over the end-game pvp-charts, with no equal match in sight. It must feel good to have rest of the server sucking your balls, aah, it feels so goood so goooood please lick a bit down down aaah down yes. Suck my balls. Chocklate Salted Balls, lick them, my balls!
I forsee that in the very near future, if empires "overpower" stays on this level, no-one bothers to attack or defend against you. Just like a minigame, were you see that "oh shit, it's a goddamn premade, im leaving --->" phenomenon.
Congratulations Empire; Aquilonian Siege Champions!
The chinese... its the god damn chinese again!
Leave Empire alone!!!
ReplyDeleteWe rule server
ReplyDeletegheos noob go to pve.
why care about seiges they dont work properly and tis easy to bugg out and dont get me started on bk invuns which are bugged to hell and i do about 20% of the damage i should do on a celestial compared to a similarly geared toon without bk invuns, when fun com fixes this lolpire gonna see some defeats i can assure you
ReplyDeleteExalted is getting closer each time.
ReplyDeleteThis was Exalted best attempt against stonehammer. First time to reach the keep and we got it down to 84%
We learned a lot and next time is expected to go even better.
So be warned Empire.
Dear M.
ReplyDeleteIt's common knowledge - if u didin't knew it already - when u get urself the dear t3 bk, u make ur friends attack you, over and over again just to destroy certain buildings, when building them back in ur precious bk without building the whole city up, the invuls wount reset to origin, they will just get bigger.
It is an exploit, if u'd have a dictionary - or u can Wikipedia it - u'd not call it strategy. its a flaw in game mechanism and by using it on different way than Devs has intented it its called exploit.
have a nice day.
Well as far as I know no guild have stacked BK invuls PURPOSELY on this server, so far. It is a bug, but in order to be an EXPLOIT it needs to be done purposely. For example Exalted's recent attack probably created another stack, but again there is no purpose on that.
ReplyDeleteAlthough it's annoying we can't blame anyone for that happened except FUNCOM not correcting it for months FFS!!!! And I don't have that motivation for sieging nowadays with the current state of sieges. To trash a keep against any guild (whatever the organization and skill level is) all you need to do is to create a 48 caster siege army with 24 demos and have them able to run together and use assist command. That's all, no strategy, no skill, anything. "Age of Harry Potter" is not fun at all, And it seems not to be changing in the next patch
Agreed, sieges are very much broken and thats why you dont see that many of them going on, except the few stubborn attacks every now and then.
Dear nimonous!
ReplyDeleteI am troll. ITis fun2 troll U.
I thabnk empire being pride is liek the chinese bein pride in having 2 much ppls!
thnx fur tlling me about U new x-ploit, nou i can uce it 2... eprie is good people, shame on U nimonous!
Funcom sux!
PS. Harrypotter was shitscary!
PSS. Meos here! HAI2U!
It was an unbugged siege by exalted and exalted joined the siege with 2 full raids for the first time. They tried their best and couldnt manage to take the keep. It was their best effort so far and I see that they are getting better at every siege, but same holds true for the Empire. We attended many sieges including Argonauts, Celestials offences and defences adn it seems its getting easier for us to both attack and defend. One more thing, Stonehammer seems to be one of the hardest keeps to get, tactically its very hard for the attacking side to complete a full hit necessary to collapse the BK. Well done Alliance adn congratz to Empire.
ReplyDeleteAnd noone from Empire ever had the guts
ReplyDeleteto tell us what their invuls are at currently.
Asked a million times ingame but my guess is somewhere in the 4x-50 and still they mostly die :)
Yeah they are really worthy champions !
But I bet the fukkers know they need invuls like a PvP lvl10 :P
That invulnerability stacking bug explains why the empire wee attacking each other for weeks ealier this winter. Im not surprised, they are the number 1 in using exploits and cheating.
ReplyDeletePoor empire, they exploit and still suck at pvp..tss what will happend to them when the devs fix this bug? HAHAHA! Ownage
ReplyDeleteI am replying the last three anonymous guys who seems like real retards here... Apparently you dont have the guts to mentions your names here openly as it would be memorized as retards by whomever reading the comments. My pvp invulnerability ratio is % 200 on crashing , piercing and others, after my 15 th battle keep siege adn your so called pvp invulnerability stacking bug which is not actually happenning anymore. guys dont trick yourself like this or you will never ever get to beat Empire on seriously equal battlegrounds. And yes there is invulnerabilities we get from our Battlekeep and we earned it by burning that battlekeep to the ground when it was Exalted's once. by the way my pvp invuls are %23 and 21 on some of them, I am PVP lvl 4.
ReplyDeletejamora where is this empire you speak of...
ReplyDeleteyour world pvp is broekn down to how fast and how many times we need to wipe your stupid friends before you manage to kill us once, and oh my .... the numbers, yes you have those. empire never experienced hardcore pvp atleast they were never motivated to start thinking beyond the comforting thought that "there is always my zerg behind me that will gladly die for me." well most of times it takes you hour or two before you managa to either pull some group together or just bringing in the empirish cannon fodder who gets killed all the freaking time. and then there are some buthurt empire in resplate shouting that they need help from some phoenix amd alliance.. who the fuck is that anyway.
i have simple suggestion for empire... why dont you stop fucking around and make one big carebear guildthat you are,it would avoid all the confusion and madness... you are so many you friendly fire your own friends for fuck sake... get real.
and about sieges?!? what the hell is that...you guys are just bunch of wankers, its not huns vs sanquis or scum.... its 50% argos (the cannon food)30% celestials (the casters) and 20% the huns (if something killsthem they spam global with tears ontheir eyes) thats how its always been thats how it alwqays will be... atleast on most sieges ive been, its been only ONCE a pure hun made siege.. and they are fucking horrible at it, all other times i saw some mixture of guild jumpers mostly casters... that's about it. now shut the fuck up and res up you stupid empire.... and wish me happy birthday you aoc freaks :P
Yeah happy birthday mate :D
ReplyDeleteMogilov noob ranger go to pve!
Happy birthday !!!!
ReplyDeleteEmpire blah...
Nesher Superblah.
Pink Pants imba blah..
Meos you will be on my blah list soon :P
Empire you dont find it problematic that nomatter what whorehouse that gets attacked its always the same lame ppl you face ?
Im gonna roll PvE soon :P
Oh, empire is exploiting?
ReplyDeleteWell that is common knowledge if your not retarded (a member of empire), who claims it to be a strategy.
I really don't get whats fun if you not play fair..
/ D
Yeah me neither mate.
ReplyDeleteI just dont get it :) I bet all ppl play a game like this 2 have fun, be part of something and relax/escape from work etc.
I cant figure out how it would get funnier to be more powerfull using exploits cheats u name it. I mean, we dont get paid or get medals and/or fame for being good in here. So the onlyone you cheat is yourself! you play with the knowledge that u suck and need to cheat... whou great fun :)
Have a nice day Empire fukkers :)
Mogilov you really need to get laid and find yourself a life.
ReplyDeleteMy god, how people can get deranged because of a game and randoms playing it on the other side of the screen :D
fuck u Mogilov
ReplyDeleteGO TO PVE U NOOOBS!!!
Don't forget, the insults you're waving around are really serious, and in some cultures are considered a reason for murder.
ReplyDeleteBut if you can't satisfy yourselves without the insults, well, what can one do...
just look at the lenght of the posts and decide who is taking this game seriously, above of his real life... haah mogilov, good luck with your game my friend, and dont forget to go outside time to time.. it seems you need it.
ReplyDeletebtw, the bk invul bug is solved two patch ago, now the pvp invuls updated correctly and a full tier3 bk gives 10-13% invul. just want to inform you ignorants who has no bk ever..
Before I fuck mogilov's mouth , I wanna state one freaking truth about Scum.. Guys maybe you are not aware of it but you are not the old Scum anymore, you are just one of the most crowded and unskilled zerg community on Khes and you can never ever get to beat Empire on world PVP at equal grounds and numbers.. I would really love to see how your so called best PVP players suck Empire's balls on equal grounds. But literally thats almost impossible, because you can only move around in Khes with your over crowded Zerg, preferabbly in empty instances at which your asses are far and safe from being raped by Empire or even by the newly formed Phoenix or Alliance. Battle Keep wars are the best places where you can show your skills at world PVP, because you are confronting enemies with equal numbers and its up to the tactic and your formations how far u can made in getting the Keep down. Well,, Mogilov maybe you are not well informed but your Scumlings get raped eachtime they tried to get to our keep in unbugged games,, and the last time you waged war against our keep, you just didnt show up honey ,, Thats what you really are at world PVP mogilov. You are a gang of cowards that can only play the game by being a part of a zerg . it takes a lot of experience and tactics to kill me or Erdi on one on one and you aint got that, sunshine.. You are just a fucked up idiot walking around with your zerg, so that you can have a chance to kill good players, in which most of the cases you , especially you end up dead. If you really think you are that good, I would love to see you prove it on battleground face to face , one to one,, or I have a better idea ,, gather your best warriors and attack our keep and let all see once again how empire rapes your stinky holes. Mogiloovmogiloov mogilooov.. What made u so much angry sweety ? You just can't achieve anything in your sorry ass life??? or is it your sister that you get caught when wanking watching youporn in front of your computer? Mogilov can I call you "Mo" for short? Sounds better for a whore son like u.fuck you mogilov.
ReplyDeletelol jamora - that was nice
ReplyDeletemo for mental orospu
ReplyDeleteDon't forget, the insults you're waving around are really serious, and in some cultures are considered a reason for murder.
But if you can't satisfy yourselves without the insults, well, what can one do...
Fuk thoose cultures to hell then :) retards :)
If someone have problems about a game they belong to the culture of retards !!
Gheos go to pve!
whyyyy, are your eyes crossed or what nympho?
ReplyDeleteWell.. i must say that EMPIRE SUCKS! They just THINK that they are cool and skilled, but they are a zerg! they are talking about owning but ofc your owning when you are 10-20 pplz more then the force your fighting.
ReplyDeleteThen i can say the same about scum, but not as much, Empire is much much more!