Good day, this is the Informer.
Informers Bootilicious Deepthroat inside Band of the Gray Brain Spasms informed me of an interesting development made late last night; after some spank-tastic moments Erdi formed an alliance with Kheshatta Guards, promising his wife and children as a payment for protection against rampaging horde of BotGC and the Alliance. This treaty was witnessed by a hiding group of Band members, and a group of Tasyfa who reacted by killing Erdi promptly after pulling the guards away for a negotiation of their own, where they applied rules of hammer and spanking.
Only few minutes after this Erdi showed up on the stairs leading to Kheshatta City with his new guardian friends and spanked a great party of Band members to oblivion while singing Frank Sinatras "New York". This lead to terrible nightmares amongst Band members; Curena, Jypae, Asmodaan and some other are on a sick-leave for the rest of the week.
Vigorious Vainamoinen, Officer of the Band, then announced on /Global that Band of the Gray Fallicsymbols are now in a war with the Kheshatta Guards and demanded on apology and an ass-kissing to take place for compensation of this grave insult.
This is all getting very confusing. This is all, Informer over and out.
At least no scum was around since they were too busy doing black xp!
ReplyDelete*cries out loud*
Too bad Erdi didn't know that Kheshatta Guards were already in alliance with BotGC with a contract made by Curena and some other lowly minions of her.
ReplyDeleteOh black exp. Name suits very well for SCUM at least!
ReplyDeleteI can tell you a secret. I drop 5000 PvP exp each time someone kills me. So if you don't see 20+ SCUM in potain at same time in player search it does not mean that we ain't farming each others. We just do it in smaller 3-5 person groups. I'm there naked and bended over with skull hat in my head (10 000exp/kill) at ress pad while my boys grinding me.
Galadh the Farmer - SCUM Empire for the win!
Hahah Galadh, everyone knows you drop "epic" :D
ReplyDeleteFirst of all it's not called "Black XP", It's called "Nekkid RP".
And secondly just send a screenshot that there are more than 5 scumlings in poitain at a give time. Our players even don't farm resources that much :)
Perhaps we're involved in everyshit in this game and every dis-honored act. But one thing you can't find on SCUM is cheats/exploits. Unfortunately some players have too much ego that they can't accept they have been beated in a fair fight so they accuse us cheating. I had more than 10 pms accusing me cheating although I'm one of the most noob pvper in the guild. Consider those accusations for more experienced PvPers.
The members that used the XP wagoon on that "Great Farming Era" is either rerolled to PVP0 or left the game/guild. And you can not find any scumling farming eachother for PvP-XP now. I can assure you, I'd first kick then petition such a player. Everyone knows how I hate that stuff.
Btw, We don't have to farm XP from eachother where there are so much nice noobs around to kill.
You suck Kazim, roll to pve!
Erdi is polishing balls since 1990.
ReplyDeleteSo what you are stating here is that Erdi is a reallife person ? and not the bugged guard sript I always thought :(
ReplyDeleteNow I will have to salute him next time we fight, so far I always been anoyed on FC for making "Erdi the guard" hunting outside normal guardarea !
Next thing will prolly be someone telling me that Nesher is a real person also !!! and not a Tûrkish Virus/Script made to insult and annoy everyone in its path.
Well... Nesher is definitely a script, in which has an infinite loop that outputs a randomization of "roll to pve" or "you suck" or "l2p" in arbitrary time frequencies. One of the first AI tries of Funcom which actually aimed to track and kill Korean Grinders. But failed pretty badly.
ReplyDeleteBut if you ask me AI of Nesher is far better than an ordinary Keshatta Guard since
1. He can leave his spot from time to time (about once a month)
2. He can run back to his spot if his health is getting low
3. He can use pms though he's not that creative.
Erdi is the second (and hopefully last) try for artificially intelligent Guard script of Funcom. After they realized the second try was not better then the first one they gave up this idea totally.
Although both scripts are not officially used by funcom now, they decided not to remove them from system to remind new employies of Funcom, it's futile to create intelligent guard scripts with current creativity capacity of company.