Wednesday, April 22, 2009

King is dead, all heil new king!

Good day, this is the Informer.

DarkTiding, the trusty old seabucket, has resigned from the position of common spitbucket. But not to worry, the Forum Overlord and Commonplace Nazi, the one and the only Mistress Tahitoa, has pointed a new spitbucket.

Congratulations Hopsy, the flingy son of a beach, daughter of SCUM and the bringer of granny-diapers. Informer will be most happy to poor all "monster related" heces your way. I trust that your time served eating bear shit in SCUM has made you expert on handling every sort pve-poo, doodoo's and peepee's that you have to face in your new position.

1 comment:

  1. SCUM is now taking care of PVE progress? One word: LOL.
