Monday, April 20, 2009

A Complete Guide To Nakkid RP (and other whoring of naabs (saabs(volvos)))

Good day, this is the informer.

We all know the story. Funcom brought in pvp-xp to the game, and everything has gone crazy since. 1st of all ... the fundamentals. For doing PVP you get xp, with this xp you gain levels. With these levels, you get pvp-armour that gives you more damage and survavibility.

So, the more you practice pvp and become better, the more imba gear you get, and the more efficient naab-killingmachine you become.

This ofcourse has many drawbacks. Good player become nearly impossible to kill in pvp, bad players notice that it's darn hard to earn that xp... so what the heck, lets take our clothes off and whack eachother naked till we all have full-pvp-gear! So we can be imba too, without the effort of actually doing PVP!

The most notorious guilds on Aquilonia known to do this are Anatolian Hun Empire, All of Empire coalition and some perverted individuals.

Here we have some pictures for everyone to enjoy, including such scoops as "hey, it's Dracones Nigri, oh noehs no we arent xploiting, this is RP".

Ah, and here's the dirt with AHE

And somethings wrong with the Argonauts with also part two!! (like one wasnt enough)

**thanks for pyroset for the pic, for conrat of the vids, kalekh for the pic!**

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