Good day, this is the Informer.
Today I, the Informer, got hold to the most amazing evidence. I will be rewarded with the Pulizer price, and the presidency of Sweden, for bringing this information onwards.
Guards of Aquilonia are fragments of Jimmy Hoffas soul, teared into peaces by a conspiracy of Bear Shamans. Most of them come from the "so-called" roleplaying guilds of Clann Koragg, Clan Kelloggs and Clan Chiken McNuggets. Also some separatist cultist-sells slumber in the Clan Fearghall and Clan Clandestino Buenos Aires Porfavor.
The "mystery"-cell of Aquilonian terrorists held a ritual in AoC beta in 1975 (early acces), transporting Jimmy Hoffa from a Californian parkinglot to a secret location in Eighlopian Mountains. This was due to a breakup between Hoffa and the bs-cult.
The Cult was responsible for providing narcotic mushrooms to Hoffa, the Kennedy Family and several other prominent US families, also including some mob-ties to the westcoast "italian american" families.
Hoffa came increasingly dependant to these mushrooms, and ultimately that led to a breakeup between all counterparts, to the Kennedy assasination and the first american mob wars. Hoffa managed to escape the enraged bear shaman cultists for few months, but then he was jumped by a huge bs-zerg 2:45 pm on July 30, 1975 from the parking lot of the Machus Red Fox Restaurant in a suburb of Detroit.
Hoffa was taken and butchered in a shamanistic ritual, and his soul was shattered into 7568 pieces witch the cultists sold to desperate FC programmers 2008, when they were trying hard to come up with a pvp-notoriety system for AoC.
The Programmers had the grand idea of putting pieces of Hoffa's soul inside every town guard to allow their basic AI. What they didnt think at that point was that these fragments also carried memories of Hoffa, and they remembered the betrayal and hatred of BS-cults.
So, to sum this up. Guards of Aquilonia hate Bear Shaman, and will attack them "KoS", kill on sight. This is due to every Aquilonian guard having a peace of Jimmy Hoffas soul, whom Bear Shamen lured in to being addicted of poisonous and hallisinogenic mushrooms. They caused the Assasination of Hoffas close friend, J.F. Kennedy and jumped and killed Hoffa with a great Zerg, on a lonely parkinglot 1975.
That is all for tonight.
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