Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Informers Views of PVP-LVL's and progress

Good day, this is the Informer.

FunCom, you have a shitty and exploitable player versus player progression in Age of Conan, the mmo. There's no way around it, the system is pure shit in it's finest form; megashit-of-most-exceptional-epicfail.

The flaws of the system:

1. Easily exploitable.
2. Very easy to gain high exp in low-levels, because the class balance is horrid.
3. Does not reward for pvp-acitivities such as minigames or sieges, counts only kills.
4. The fundamental system, where a person who is skilled in killing other players gets to have even more efficient tools of death, and even more survivability against other players is idiotic, because it shifts the balance of the game.

Now, on 1.05, FC has taken a step to make raid-gear viable for pvp, and this has raised a storm of cries on testlive. 
C'moon, you cant nerf our exploited gear we got in a week on ws-isle, NO DON'T TAKE IT NO I QUIT GAME NO NO NO! Those raiding pve-carebears who go and do nothing else then hangaround in some dungeons dont deserve to be equal or have an edge with their gear they have grinded for six months!! ITS UNFAIR, REVERT THIS CHANGE!!

Informer hopes that every person crying against this change shoots themselves. You are not needed as inhabitants of planet earth, you have failed. Now, please die and get out, and if you made any offspring take them with you.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree! PVE obtained items that takes ages and team work to get should be better than some silly farmed / possible exploited PVP gear.
