Monday, June 15, 2009

TestLive and CharTransfers

Good day, this is the Informer.

1.05 patch on testlive is getting closer to be released, the longwaited fixes for raid content have been popping in steadily in the latest patches. Raid-content is looking promising; the system now favors balanced raidgroups (every class has their "debufs" that must be aplied) and the "challenge" is getting on par with live-servers.
Also class changes and revamps have been flowing steadily. There are few voices raised above the usual harmony and singalong though; demo's still cry like babies albeit being more overpowered then ever and the infamous "rogue-revamp" has yet to be seen.

Another new feature FC is releasing "soon" is payed character transfers between servers. They have now released information that they are allowing free character transfers to specific servers, and those are some of the national servers that AoC has (spanish, french, german). So, for us playing on Aquilonia that doesn't count at all, but it's a clear indication that we are getting closer and closer to "the white flight"; the incoming lollernoobs from fury and the outgoing rp'ers to Hyrkania when the paid transfers start. 


  1. Too bad they didn't open transfers to fury, maybe then would scum actually dare to transfer there and fight real pvp guilds. Oh wait, they would get their asses whiped without a problem hahaaha

    So nothing interesting, we'll still have that dumb ranger mogilov trying to actually get a kill even though he sucks soo hard...

  2. Many SCUM cunts also enjoy RP side of the game so there won't be mass exodus to fury. Maybe some will go who are only PvP oriented.

    Will see, but I have feeling that we get bit more players from Fury than we lose them there. It's quite mess and madness in Fury.

    Of course good thing about Fury is that there are hardly any carebear alliances nor naps between guilds and most of the guilds stand with their own feet.

  3. Hello there, my trolling time at forums is coming to an end today and I'll actually need to do some work in few minutes so just to say some things about this transfers:

    1. @Galadh - this "truth" about fury was maybe present at the time of free character tranfers, but it isn't anymore. What does this mean? This means that there are soo many alliances in world pvp and sieges that its worse than on aquilonia (something I escaped from). Only guilds that do open world pvp on their own are futilez and ragnarok (we are both however siege allies since not a single guild on fury can defend their bk each 3 days alone), everyone else is allied. You have russian alliance of 5+ guilds that can be compared to empire in their biggest zerg era, you have german coalition + 1 international guild, spaniards and french in other coalition, etc...
    Its a mess and the only difference between aq and fury is that you get alot, alot more pvp on fury. Sieges are constant, world pvp is constant, raids are here and lots of guilds are farming whole brc, crafting is also present...

    2. As far as I know char transfers won't work on fury and crom (or is it that they can tranasfer to other servers, but no one can transfer to them?). So pvp'ers from aquilonia won't be able to come over, but pvp'ers who are getting their asses whiped over here will come to aq (if I got the system right). I really think the only reason to do this is to prevent the mass exoduse from fury that would follow and overcrowding of crom (most people are running away -rerolling from fury to crom).

    Anyway, cya around and nice to be reading some news from old home

  4. To be honest, the only regular rp event atm is arranged by scum, there's usually near 10 of them in all the events, and the "Puts a red rose on %ts chest" (galadh) is a nice change from the normal ganking, haven't seen many people bothering even that much. So yeah, scum do rp.


  5. but scum cry way too much too... serial... i tell galadh this bu t he no listen!

    good rp bur cry worse than pve noob how they sacred holyness rp get ignroed by sum other rollplaynoobs cause they kill... cmon just suck it up!

    - M

  6. stop rp roll pve

    -nesher bestest ranger on srever
